Technological re-equipment of production TV and Radio Company Novyui Vek
Technological re-equipment of production  TV and Radio Company Novyui Vek

Technological re-equipment of production TV and Radio Company Novyui Vek

  • Technological re-equipment of production  TV and Radio Company Novyui Vek
  • Technological re-equipment of production  TV and Radio Company Novyui Vek
  • Technological re-equipment of production  TV and Radio Company Novyui Vek
  • Technological re-equipment of production  TV and Radio Company Novyui Vek
  • Technological re-equipment of production  TV and Radio Company Novyui Vek
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The system was realized in two stages: in 2008 the first five Cinegy Desctop workplaces were supplied, and in 2011 a new broadcast facility structure was created. In 2011, as part of the technological re-equipment of the TV and Radio Company "Novyui Vek" (Kazan), DNK Corporation engineers completed the project to create a new structure for a broadcast facility based on a unified tape-free production system, automated broadcasting and digital archiving of Cinegy.

Starting with the local task to create an additional news broadcast facility, DNK Corporation specialists prepared and implemented a project of almost complete modernization of the TV channel.

The structure of the new complex includes a four-rooms news broadcast studio, a technological local computer network, an engineering orderwire system of Riedel (built on a single platform, the system connects all the premises of the television company). Besides, there was significant modernization in the already existing central apparatus room, control room, digitization room, newsroom and studio.

Thanks to the new structure of the broadcast facility, the creative and technical capabilities of the employees of the TV and radio company have been significantly expanded. The role of a journalist has undergone the greatest changes.

If earlier he simply generated ideas and wrote texts, now at his workplace he can carry out:

• simple editing with the possibility of titling;

• montage;

• text overlay for the prompter;

• texts preparation for offscreen scoring;

• texts preparation for news stories;

• automatic import of texts from the news agencies in the RSS format.

The role of the editor has been changed radically. They are now included in the news production process right after the journalist has reviewed, selected the material and made a simple editing. The archivist now has the opportunity to review the materials and describe them on the computer at their workplace.

Project Result
Thanks to the new structure of the broadcast facility, the creative and technical capabilities of the TV and radio company employees have been significantly expanded.
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